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Dear Friend,
You did it!
You’ve just changed your life by ordering Long Life Wellness Collagen Tea!
And I want to reassure you that your order has gone through.
In fact, right now, my warehouse staff are putting your package together. You’ll receive it on your doorstep ASAP.
In a matter of days, you’re going to be so happy for choosing Collagen Tea.
Because it’s not just about having stronger nails… more radiant hair, and gorgeous-looking skin in the next few weeks…
But it’s about looking and staying younger for the months and years to come. And that’s why I believe…
You’re going to notice the youthful “glow” in your skin that you haven’t seen since your 20s and 30s.
Your nails will be stronger and shinier than you could have ever imagined…
And your hair will start to look thicker, longer, and lusher than you ever thought possible after 40...
All because you took responsibility into your own hands…
Instead of leaving it up to beauty "experts" who just don’t seem to help.
So while getting a bag of Collagen Tea might not seem like a big deal…
And I can’t wait to hear how much Collagen Tea helps you.
Imagine how it'll feel in just a few weeks...
When you hardly have to think about “getting older” at all.
When the wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet start to disappear from your skin…
And you can actually look years younger than your age well into your 50s, 60s, and beyond!
Or when your nails are looking so shiny and strong… you want to show them to the world instead of hiding them…
Nails that are growing so strong… so thick… and so quickly… that the only problem you have is needing to shorten them every week!
And imagine being so proud again of your luscious, shiny hair again…
That you can finally wear it up confidently… without the fear of any bald spots showing through.
When you can smile every morning knowing your confidence is back.
… when you can finally look in the mirror and see the woman you once knew.
All by adding just one simple cup of tea to your morning routine!
And if you’re like most of our other customers…
You’ll notice your muscles and joints feeling stronger too.
You’ll wake up feeling SO much more rested and rejuvenated.
And you’ll enjoy a relaxed sense of calm and peace throughout your day.
This one moment has the potential to change your life. And I’m very excited to hear about your success story!
But first, I do have something important to tell you.
You see, I’m not exactly the smartest business woman when it comes to technology…
And these days… running an online business seems to keep getting more technical!
I normally hire younger people to do that stuff for me. But last week, the new guy looking after the computers took the day off…
So I had to place our next inventory order.
Well, that didn’t go too well… and I completely screwed up!
I accidentally sent the wrong number to our manufacturer… and now we’ve got twice as much Collagen Tea than our warehouse can handle!
In fact, I’m paying a HUGE premium to keep this extra product in other warehouses.
At first, I thought this mistake would put us out of business…
But it turns out, there’s an upside…
Because my manager and I came up with an idea. A simple way for you to benefit from my embarrassing inventory error!
So, if you’re reading this page, you have a chance to score an extra 60-day supply of Collagen Tea 100% Free!
If that’s something you want, then please keep reading!
Well, as you may remember there’s a reason why your hair, skin, and nails have been “breaking down” faster than normal…
It’s because your body isn’t producing as much collagen as it used to.
And as you’ve probably noticed by now…
Once "collagen loss" starts taking effect it's almost impossible to slow down.
Even worse...
It can lead to a sudden increase in the visible signs of aging... Like ‘tired’-looking skin… lifeless hair… damaged nails… and worse.
But the 3000 mg of pure collagen that’s teeming inside every cup of Collagen Tea can help to rapidly reduce these signs of aging…
The problem is…
There’s a reason why your body started losing collagen in the first place.
This happens because of…
So, unless you choose to pack up and move to a remote Himalayan mountain for the rest of your life…
Those stressors are here to stay.
And even if your collagen levels have returned to normal after drinking Collagen Tea...
It’s only a matter of time before something comes along again to strip your body of its precious collagen supply…
Leaving you completely vulnerable to the insidious effects of aging like cracked nails, dull hair, and “tired”, wrinkly skin.
Then it makes sense for you to keep taking Collagen Tea.
Because the longer you take it, the more effective it becomes.
Just like Tracy Murphy, who shared her experience after stocking up on Collagen Tea…
And Kyana Miner, who said…
And finally, Melissa Wade, who shared his experience taking Collagen Tea…
So as you can see from these other happy customers...
After Collagen Tea gets 3000mg of collagen back into your cells every single day… then it’s like restoring the walls and floor of an old, worn-out house…
Visibly transforming your hair, nails, and skin to the point where they come to life again faster than could have ever dreamed possible.
All so that you can look years younger than you are… and never have to feel like you’re “losing the battle” against old age.
Simply because they don’t want the youthful aging effects to stop.
Once they see the difference that comes from using Collagen Tea…
When they go from noticing how their body is slowly “falling apart”… To looking, moving, and feeling better than they ever have before…
They tell us every time:
“I wish I bought WAY MORE in the beginning when I had the chance.“
And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you.
Remember: Collagen Tea only uses the purest forms of collagen-producing botanicals…
And ingredients of this purity are in scarce supply all over the world.
In fact…
Forbes magazine is even warning that supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic are “here to stay”...
Which means there’s always the looming pressure we could lose access to our premium-grade ingredients virtually overnight.
Plus, every batch of Collagen Tea has become increasingly more expensive to make because of these disruptions….
So you can easily see why it’s common for us to run out of stock for weeks… sometimes months at a time.
But today…
We have the opposite problem.
We have twice as much Collage Tea than we can handle.
And I want the extra bags gone ASAP…
Simply because they’re costing me a truckload of money.
See, with my embarrassing inventory mistake…
Combined with the sky-high demand for Collagen Tea…
I thought:
“Why not kill two birds with one stone? Let's give our customers a chance to stock up on more Collagen Tea, at a HUGE discount!”
That’s why I’m introducing my new, limited-time offer:
Here’s how it works:
If you say “Yes” to 4 extra bags of Collagen Tea…
At the discounted price of $31…
Then, I’ll flat out GIVE you another 2 bags of Collagen Tea…
100% FREE!
Click this button so you can benefit from my mistake:
That means you get 2 more months of Collagen Tea benefits, completely free of charge.
Now, I’m sure you’ll agree…
This is a massive discount. Considering you get a guaranteed 180 days free of rough nails, lifeless-looking hair, and worn-out skin.
More importantly, it’s something that’ll keep your body’s collagen levels at their peak…
Which is what helps you to look, move and feel younger… for longer.
And the best part?
Collagen Tea keeps its potency for up to 2 YEARS…
Which means you can stock up at the lowest price you’ll ever see it… and never have to worry about it going out of date!
It also means you can always have a Collagen Tea sachet in your purse… your car… or even if you want to share your secret with friends or family!
These are just some of the many added benefits you get when you choose to stock up on Collagen Tea.
Honestly, these benefits on their own are normally enough to convince people to take action.
But, I hate feeling like a salesperson, so instead…
And you don't have to take my word for it… because you have a full 60 days to decide...
Or You’ll Get Every Penny Back!
Simply add the 4 bags of Collagen Tea to your order today…
Get your 2 extra bags of free Collagen Tea…
Then start taking it the second it arrives.
When you do…
Pay close attention to what happens during your first week.
Notice the difference start to appear in your hair and skin… How they both start to look brighter and smoother.
Then, within the first 3 weeks…
Notice how your skin starts to lose that horrible “tired-out” look.
Instead, it’s replaced with the youthful “glow” you haven’t seen in years…
maybe decades.
Then around the 60-day mark, that’s when the biggest transformation happens…
When some of the more noticeable wrinkles start to smoothen out… especially around your eyes, upper cheeks, and lips.
When your nails start to look as shiny and strong as a Mulberry silk…
And when the split ends disappear from your hair so it looks thicker and lusher than ever before!
By this stage…
The confidence you’ll feel will be unmistakable… when you can finally look at your body and fall totally in love with it again.
I want you to experience ALL of these benefits… one after the other… month over month.
And that’s why making this investment in your long-term health is such a no-brainer.
If you order 4 more bags at the low price of just $31 each today…
I’ll throw in 2 more for free which brings the price to just $20.60 each!
And again… why stock up on 6 extra bags?
Because that way… you can always have a Collagen Tea sachet in your purse… a few in your car…
PLUS… you’ll never feel bad about giving one away to a friend or family if they ever want to try it!
And don’t forget that your investment is completely protected…
Because at any point in the next 60 days you're unhappy with your progress…
If you’re not looking and feeling the best you have in your entire life…
Or in the highly unlikely situation that Collagen Tea doesn’t work for you…
Then simply call or email my friendly customer service team. And they’ll give you 100% of your money back.
No hassle.
No questions asked.
And you don’t even have to return the product.
Yep, that’s right.
You’ve already put your trust in Collagen Tea and I want you to know I take that trust very seriously…
Which is why I have so much faith this product will completely transform the way you look, move, and feel in your body…
I want you to know that I’m happy taking 100% of the risk on my shoulders today…
Because that way, you can invest in your future for months to come.
All with ZERO financial risk.
So, to recap:
There’s nothing else I can possibly add to make this a better deal for you… that wouldn’t put us out of business…
And I don’t think other founders would be very happy with that after my recent inventory mistake.
So, this’ll have to do!
“The perfect way to get collagen!”
— Elizabeth Brown
“This is my new favorite daily treat!”
— Deborah Bridger-Elerick
“Forget coffee!
For me now, it’s all about the Collagen Tea."
— Melissa Newman
And there are literally hundreds of more of these!
So right now you have an important decision to make.
You've already taken a big step forward in your health by investing in Collagen Tea...
And I couldn't be more excited for the results you're going to get.
But I must warn you...
This "Buy 4 get 2 FREE" offer is an opportunity that goes away the moment you leave this page.
So if you decide to exit now then you'll never see this incredible $80 discount again.
But on the other hand... if you do decide to claim this one-time offer...
Then you only have one thing left to do...
Click the green “Add To Order” button on this page.
And in a few days, when your Collagen Tea arrives…
Simply open the bag, and make your first cup.
Now, picture yourself 3 weeks from now.
It’s Sunday late afternoon and you’ve had a long day. You walk into the kitchen and notice your hubby’s smiling warmly at you.
But instead of saying something to you about the house… the kids… or the bills…
He says, “honey, you’re looking… younger. Have you done something with your hair?”
You smile back because inside you know what’s REALLY happening…
And you can’t help but let the rush of joy FLOOD into every corner of your body.
Having your husband compliment you like that reminds you of when you first started dating… and it’s only week 3!
Or imagine the happiness you’ll feel…
When you no longer have to “fight” against aging with everything you have...
When you go from feeling like every bit of youth is being stripped from you with each passing year…
To watching your hair, nails, and skin fill with so much life that others can’t help but comment on how good they look.
And more importantly…
I want you to imagine how it’ll feel when you can look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see…
Without wanting to change a thing!
What would that be worth to you?
Because with this one-time “Buy 2, get 2 FREE” deal…
You’re getting an entire 180 days of gorgeous-looking nails… luscious hair, and radiant skin, for pennies on the dollar…
And with ZERO Risk!
Collagen Tea is your way to finally look as young and beautiful on the outside as you do on the inside.
So if that’s something you want…
Then Click The Green “Add To Order” Button Now!
No thanks. I understand this is my only opportunity to stock up on Collagen Tea at a massive 40% discount. I’m okay missing out even though each bag is only $20.60. When I’m blown away by the results of Collagen Tea, I’ll re-order at the $34 price. I Pass On This Offer Forever.
© 2022 LONGLIFE wellness. All rights reserved.